About Us

Our Mission Statement

To create value for our partners and to cultivate enduring relationships in all aspects of our business


Ergodio, Inc. is a California corporation and is a family owned and operated business by Nestor "Nes" Maheras, Trefon "Tre" Maheras and Chris Maheras.

Nes began his apartment investment activities in 1975 and serves as Ergodio’s group-investment director. As such, he manages group investment formation, investor relations, selection of investment markets and directs the property acquisition process.  In addition, Nes leads value-add implementation and asset management throughout the ownership and disposition periods. Nes’ apartment properties track record can be accessed by completing the  investor suitability questionnaire.

Tre working closely with Nes oversees the internal acquisition process, asset management, value-add efforts and timely asset disposition.

Chris manages adopted technologies, systems and processes for the organization. He is involved in all facets of the apartment investing process.



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